Belmont Counselling Rooms therapists offer a range of different services, including:
Each of the therapists at Belmont Counselling rooms operate independently. They include:
Please note that different therapists provide different services. Please check with your selected therapist, if they provide the service you're seeking. Please contact the therapist of your choice directly, by phone or email or via the link to their individual website. Details on the therapist list.
They can advise if you need a referral, explain their fees and any possible rebates and arrange an appointment for you, if you decide to proceed.
Our therapists have different areas in which they specialise.
Support available includes:
Ask your therapist if Medicare, WorkSafe (VIC), TAC, NDIS or other rebates / funding may apply.
44 Mt Pleasant Rd,
Geelong, VIC 3216
We do not have reception services at the office so please ensure you arrange an appointment before attending the office.
After you arrange your appointment, we look forward to you visiting for your consultation. Our office is located in a heritage style building that's welcoming, professional, casual and comfortable.
There is plenty of free, untimed parking in the public car park opposite our office.